Selamat Datang! :]

Halo ceman-ceman
Selamat datang di Blog ku, tengs olot yak udah mampir. I love yang mampir ke sini

Maap jikalau ada salah kata. Disini hanyalah seuntaian kata-kata dari Tari yang tidaklah sempurna. Jadi, maklumi aja :)
Di setiap postingan biasanya ada referensi musik + buku :3

I hope you enjoy it. Warm from Oven, guys ~ :D

Sorry ya akhir-akhir ini jarang update -_-v

Minggu, 24 April 2011

Favourite shoe shop?

apaya ?

Favourite item of clothing?


Come on, ASK me

Do you have anything planned for tomorrow?


Come on, ASK me

Last person to make you smile?


Come on, ASK me

What was the last thing you said?


Come on, ASK me

Do you ever want a tattoo? What would it be? Where would it be?

`my chemical romance` . at my hand

Come on, ASK me

Worst day of the week?


Come on, ASK me

Facebook or Twitter?


Come on, ASK me

Have you ever been on the television or in the newspaper?


Come on, ASK me

Favourite day of the week?


Come on, ASK me

Tumblr or Formspring?


Come on, ASK me

Do you have a diary?


Come on, ASK me

Last thing that made you cry?


Come on, ASK me

Are you a morning person?


Come on, ASK me

Are there any movies that make you cry?

The Blind Side

Come on, ASK me

Favourite Christmas movie?


Come on, ASK me

Have you ever stayed in Hospital for longer than a day?


Come on, ASK me

Favourite website?

Come on, ASK me

Do you have any allergies?


Come on, ASK me

Favourite TV channel?


Come on, ASK me

Robert Pattinson or Taylor Lautner?

Taylor Lautner

Come on, ASK me

Rabu, 20 April 2011

Have you ever performed infront of a crowd? What did you perform?


Come on, ASK me

Your favourite joke?

lupa --

Come on, ASK me

Which of your friends do you think would make a perfect couple?

Ajeng and Tio, but, they're PUTUS :((

Come on, ASK me

Ice cream cone or lollipop?

ice cream cone :D

Come on, ASK me

Favourite TV show?


Come on, ASK me

Favourite thing about being off school?

back to home and sleep ;)

Come on, ASK me

Do you drink alcohol?


Come on, ASK me

Do you believe in Karma?

hmm, yeah

Come on, ASK me

Who is your best friend and how did you meet him/her?

RIDHA . actually, she is my first friend in my juniorhighschool :))

Come on, ASK me

Senin, 18 April 2011

Who was the last person that made you smile?

my bestfriends :)

Come on, ASK me

How many kids do you want when your older?

2 or 3

Come on, ASK me

Describe your personality in 3 words

Rock. Smile. Friendly

Come on, ASK me

Favourite colour?

Black and Red

Come on, ASK me

aerosmith yay or nay


Come on, ASK me

Is there somebody you really hate?

yeah !

Come on, ASK me

Favourite film?

The Blind Side, Orphan, Fired Up!, etc

Come on, ASK me

Do you like nicknames in a relationship?

yeah !

Come on, ASK me

Last film you watched?

The Blind Side

Come on, ASK me

Have you ever had an operation?


Come on, ASK me

Have you ever had a pet fish?


Come on, ASK me

Is your hair naturally straight or curly?


Come on, ASK me

Diet or regular pepsi?

regular pepsi

Come on, ASK me

Are you happy right now?

a little

Come on, ASK me

What song do you listen to when you're sad?

I don't love you

Come on, ASK me

Have you ever fell up the stairs?


Come on, ASK me

Do you believe in God?

of course

Come on, ASK me

Have you ever watched a TV show / Movie where one of the characters has the same name as you?

yop !

Come on, ASK me

Date; Mood; Time?

18 Apr 2011 ; bad ; 11:33 pm

Come on, ASK me

Have you ever been to Europe?


Come on, ASK me

What colour is your school uniform?

white blue :)

Come on, ASK me

Do you prefer cold milk or hot / warm milk?

warm milk

Come on, ASK me

Favourite thing about Birthdays?

surprise ~~ !

Come on, ASK me

Do you prefer to go out or shop online?

go out !

Come on, ASK me

Do you like Birthday cake?

yop :))

Come on, ASK me

Last thing that scared you?

horror film :|

Come on, ASK me

Do you have any sunglasses?


Come on, ASK me

How many questions are in your inbox?

133 -_-

Come on, ASK me

Do you know many people that wear TOO much makeup?

yea. I HATE THAT !

Come on, ASK me

Do you look more like you Mom or Dad?

Mum ~

Come on, ASK me

Do you wish you could play any instruments?

yea. guitar (y)

Come on, ASK me

What is your desktop background?


Come on, ASK me

Have you ever been and seen the Eiffel Tower?

no, haven't. but i want :(

Come on, ASK me

Have you heard Rebecca Black's new song?

hmm, nope

Come on, ASK me

What colour are your eyes?

brown or black maybe

Come on, ASK me

Who is your biggest hero?


Come on, ASK me

Prefer to be too warm or too cold?

too warm ~

Come on, ASK me

Do you like your school?

sometimes -____-

Come on, ASK me

Have you ever bullied somebody?


Come on, ASK me

Who is the nicest person you know?

my mum :))

Come on, ASK me

Are you listening to music right now?

yup ! that's right

Come on, ASK me

WYR Have no TV or no Computer?

no TV

Come on, ASK me

Snow yay or nay?


Come on, ASK me

Harry Potter yay or nay?


Come on, ASK me

Spongebob yay or nay?


Come on, ASK me

The Simpsons yay or nay?


Come on, ASK me

Chocolate icecream yay or nay?


Come on, ASK me

Do you care what other people think / say?

sometimes :/

Come on, ASK me

Favourite emoticon?


Come on, ASK me

Sabtu, 16 April 2011

If you had to throw away either your TV or your computer, which would you choose?

TV, maybe

Ask me anything

If you could ask God one question what would it be?

apaya ? kenapa tari nda dilahirkan menjadi seorang adenya Gerard & Mikey Way, mungkin :D

Ask me anything

Would you rather be rich or famous?

i think famous (y)

Ask me anything

What's your favorite drink?

Shooter of KFC x)

Ask me anything

If you won a million dollars what would you do with it?

i don't know. kalo kebanyakan jadi bingung -_-

Ask me anything

Would you rather hang out with a small group of friends or a large group?

sometime large group. but, you know. i prefer hangout with small group (y) :)

Ask me anything

Sabtu, 02 April 2011

My Chemical Romance vs Paramore

Poll: (3) My Chemical Romance vs. (5) Paramore

Halo ceman-ceman
Para Parawhores dan MCRmy bakal adu-aduan vote nih. Pasalnya, MTV ngadain Musical March Madness. Langsung ai, aku yg MCRmy langsung voting MCR !

Semoga aja yg terbaiklah yg menang. Tapi aku maunya MCR yg menang ~ wkwk :D